Working collaboratively with our friends over at The Marketing Practice, the MediaNerd team brought to life a series of animations explaining Microsoft Surface Enterprise Management Mode.
A seAmless series
Working closely with our friends at The Marketing Practice, we were tasked with creating a series of animations promoting Microsoft Surface products and their benefits. The main goal of the video was to explain what the Microsoft Surface Enterprise Management Mode is about. Due to being an exclusive feature for Microsoft Surface devices, the computers were the main focal point of the video.
We designed a new style of animation for these films which consisted of both traditional 2D motion graphics blended with some 3D animation and was seamlessly stylised. This is one of our favourite ways to create animation so being able to mix these designs for The Marketing Practice was a lot of fun.
visual development
The SEMM series contains lots of 3D animation techniques, pushed into a 2D visual style. A non photo-realistic and stylised style saves time in comparison to a photo-real look - this is better suited to a series of animations that are under a tighter deadline. It also worked very well as we wanted to bring the focus to the features we were talking about, not to the computers themselves. Overall, it was a great collaborative project. With TMP writing the script and MediaNerd producing the narrative, illustrating and animating. The outcome was very well received by the client - a job well done by all!